Office closure Christmas to January 01st, 2023
Dear members,
the WCF office is closed up to January 1st, 2023 no inquiries will be answered.
Mrs. Hackmann is also not available during this time, please refrain from personal phone calls and WhatsApp messages.
We wish all members a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023!
Your WCF office team
Newsletter No. 39
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 39 was sent on December 07th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
New regulation for the allocation of World shows
The board has decided the following:
- In principle, all clubs are given the opportunity to organize a World Show every two years at the most, but only on condition that no other club in the respective country wants to organize a World Show. If more than one club from the same country applies for a World Show, the allocation will be made in order.
- If the club is a former patronage club that has not been a patronage club yet for a long time before being confirmed as a full member at the General Assembly and has therefore not held all five shows with Supervisor, this club must first complete the five shows with Supervisor before being approved for a World Show.
- At least 80 cats must be present at each World Show.
This board decision, which has the character of a rule, comes into force upon publication and
will be submitted to the next General Assembly for voting.
The Board
Secretary General, working group secretariat
Dear members,
we have now carefully read all the mails regarding the appointment of the Secretary General and
after another board meeting we have come to the following conclusion.
We created a secretariat working group, consisting of 3 persons
Mrs. Cernova
Mrs Pepermans
Mrs Li
Please see the list for the areas of responsibility and the e-mail addresses of the individual persons:
Mrs Tatjana Cernova
Mrs. Cernova is responsible for all enquiries from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
She also continues to handle all Jointshows.
Mrs. Brigitte Pepermans
Ms. Pepermans is responsible for all inquiries from Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and South Africa.
Mrs Qing Li
Mrs. Li is responsible for all enquiries from the Asian region.
Also she takes over all disciplinary procedures.
New clubs who would like to become a patronage club, please send their enquiries to the respective secretary and also to the WCF office.
Clubs wishing to become a contract üartner must still send their application directly to the office.
When applications are sent to the office, they will be forwarded to the relevant secretary.
We hope that you agree with our decision and we hope to work together peacefully and cooperatively for the best interests of our cats.
The Board
Agenda GA 2022
Dear presidents! Dear board members! Dear members of the commissions!
The agenda for our General Assembly 2022 is now available for you in the member area.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Obituary Mrs Irina Kondratyeva

Regretfully we heard of the sudden death of our International WCF judge and President of the Moscow WCF Club ZOOMIR Irina Kondratyeva.
Our sincere condolences to her family and friends.
The Board
Obituary Mr. Miroslaw Jarmuszewski

With great regret we have heard about the death of our International WCF judge
Miro Jarmuszewski.
Our sincere condolences to the family and friends.
The Board
Newsletter No. 35
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 35 was sent on June, 24th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
Information about the novice class
Dear members,
participation / results of the novice class from other clubs / organizations are not recognized by the WCF.
The Board
Non-recognition of online-titles
Dear members,
again we would like to point out that the WCF does not recognize titles that were/will be won on online shows.
The Board
General Assembly 2022, invitation and forms
Dear members,
The invitation and all necessary forms are now also available in our password-protected member area.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Statement of the Board
The political promotional video of Mrs. Rudakova has nothing to do with the policy of the WCF.
The WCF Board has not given Mrs. Rudakova any authority to use the name of the organisation for
her personal purposes.
The Board
Newsletter No. 34
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 34 was sent on May 2nd.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
Restrictions on exhibitions in Russia
Dear members, dear breeders, dear colleagues,
We live in a difficult time, in an age of change.
We hope that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be end soon.
The WCF is a peaceful organization, but we also have to follow the laws, as we are an association and have to follow the Statutes. We are not a company, not a commercial organization.
The board of the WCF has decided that due to the ongoing Russian military actions against the Ukraine, no permits for world exhibitions and other exhibitions with special permission will be granted in Russia until further notice.
All approved national and international shows without special permission may continue to take place.
The World Show in Omsk was approved 3 years ago and and for various legal reasons, we do not have the right to cancel it.
In today’s circumstances, when people die every day, it is very difficult for all of us psychologically. But, we must remember that the war will end, and our love is endless. We will continue our work, we will save our little island of goodness and happiness for all of you.
Our appeal to all breeders in this world, please stick together and support each other.
Cats should bring friendship and joy.
The Board
Statement & clarification
Dear members, dear breeders, dear colleagues,
I would like to give you a short statement, as unfortunately wrong information from other competitive organizations is spread by Russian TV
For clarification:
WCF continues to work as usual and all clubs can continue as before.
Only World shows and shows with a special permission have been blocked until 31.03.2021.
After that date we have to see what the situation is and if everything can be allowed again.
We all hope that the war will be over soon and the people from Ukraine will be able to return to their previous life without any restrictions.
Please do not listen to any statements or calls, please inform yourself on our website under WCF-Actual.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Restrictions on exhibitions in Russia
Dear WCF members,
the World Cat Federation e.V. is a felinological organization and always stays away from political matters. Nevertheless, the unique geopolitical situation in Europe requires unusual and quick action.
I hereby inform you that all World Shows and exhibitions with special permission (= special license) in Russia will unfortunately be closed from 01.03.2022.
All used license numbers for this purpose will remain saved for the club.
If you have any questions you can contact our Secretary General.
Also no World Shows and exhibitions with special licenses can be provisionally approved for Russia until 31.03.2022. We have to wait until the situation calms down.
Info for our breeders:
The veterinary inspectorates of most EU countries have introduced the temporary derogations allowing refugees to cross the border from Ukraine to most EU countries with their pets; this applies to cats, dogs and ferrets. Pet owners do not have to present the normally required veterinary documents at the border, thus allowing Ukrainian people to enter the EU.
Our thoughts are with our friends and members in Ukraine and their pets during these difficult days.
Let us remember that we share a common passion, let us support peace and let us not create unnecessary divisions. The only acceptable duel is the fight and competition of our beloved cats at our exhibitions.
The Board
Onlineseminar “WCF-EMS Code & pedigrees”, next date
Dear WCF members,
another seminar „WCF-EMS Code/pedigrees“ in English will take place on 30.01.2022 at 16.00 (German time)
Please send your registration to Ms. Beverly Elian,
Registration form for download:
The fee of 15 Euro (regardless of the number of registered participants) has to be paid in advance.
Please note that the club number and the participation date must be included in the payment!
The Board