General Assembly
General Assembly of WCF e.V. :
April 27, 28, 29, 2012
in Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Germany
The official invitation will be sent to the appropriate time by mail.
Extraordinary General Assembly of WCF e.V. on request of Elitar Club Russia :
April 30, 2012
in Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Germany
More than 20% of the members of the WCF have submitted a request for this Extraordinary General Assembly.
The Board
Extraordinary General Assembly
Dear Members!
Please note:
Extraordinary General Assembly of WCF e.V.
March, 10, 2012
in Welcome Hotel Essen, Germany
The official invitation will be sent to the appropriate time by mail.
More than 25% of the members of the WCF have submitted a request for an Extraordinary General Assembly.
They have recognized the need to carry out profound changes in the structure of the WCF to be able to repel
the recently rampant processes, injunctions and writs against the WCF with new, strong statutes.
The Board
Ivaras Plepis

With deep regret we have to inform you that MR.IVARAS PLEPIS all breed judge WCF for many years passed
away on 25th September, during the Cat Show in Norway.
We transmit our condolences to his wife, family and friends.
The board and the commissions
The WCF website is currently under reconstruction. We apologize for any delay in publishing and changing information on the homepage.
In urgent cases, please give us a short notice.
The Board
The WCF office is closed for vacation until September 25th, 2011.
The Board
Judge’s License
A judge applying for a WCF-judges-licence, can only be licensed as guest Judge, if he is a board member of a non-World Cat Congress organization.
The Board
Joint Shows
1. Joint shows, with non World Cat Congress (WCC) associations, that invite judges, which are under suspension or deprived of WCF judging license, are prohibited.
2. Already given licenses loose validation, if a violation named above is found.
The Board
The board
Due to an interim order the club Elitar is installed provisionally up to an official negotiation.
Likewise Mrs. Anna Rudakova is installed provisionally due to a further interim order as 2. Vice-president.
The Board
Show Commissions
Mrs.Nicoletta Locati has stepped back from her position in the Show commission.
Mr Paolo Veneziani is delegated and takes over the position as chairman of the show commission.
The Board
Condolence Helmuth Watzke
Sunday 2011-07-10 Helmuth Watzke died an unexpected and sudden death.
He was friend, colleague, globetrotter and a great man.
As being one of the senior German judges he worked in many shows in the entire world and took responsibility in the education of many of the today’s judges.
We say goodbye in mourning.
Andreas Möbius in the name of the board and the commissions
Condolence Vera Avsaragova
With great sorrow we have to inform you that 4 of July 2011 Mrs. Vera Avsaragova died suddenly at the age 55 years.
She came into the felinology over 15 years ago, and became first president of Feline Federation of Republic Bashkortastan
and judge LH,SLH,SH on cat shows.
We sincerely condolence to the family and friends of Mrs.Avsaragova.
The board and the commissions
Foundation WCF – italia
The president of WCF, MRS Hackmann invited the representatives of the italian members of WCF on March 26, 2011 to join the first conference and foundation meeting for the WCF-Italia in Berlin.
The purpose of the conference was to establish a parent organization in Italy representing them in political activities with the Ministry of Agriculture in Italy.
On March 26, 2011 the “WCF Italia” was founded by the present representatives of the italian WCF-members.
The members are:
Associazioni Feline Federate (AFeF)
Associazione Felina Italiana (AFI)
Associazione Gatti d’Italia (AGI)
Federazione Italiana Associazioni Feline (FIAF)
Serenissima Cat Club (ISCC)
Additional members can only participate upon application and approval by the member clubs.
Franca Zuccotti was elected unanimously president of the “WCF Italia” by the present representatives of the clubs.
The Office of the President is determined as the seat of WCF Italia.
Andrea Vincenzi was elected unanimously treasurer of the “WCF Italia” by the present representatives of the clubs.
Fabrizio Montanari was elected unanimously general secretary of the “WCF Italia” by the present representatives of the clubs.
Best wishes and success for the WCF-Italia!
The Board
Worldchampion Certificate
The issuing of the World Champion certificates is handed over to Mr. Kamil Kolczynski.
The previous e-mail address will remain!
Please use the online form for the registration of World Champions, World Premiers and Master WCF at
The Board
Payments are only accepted from full members and patronat clubs
We want to remind you that payments will only be accepted from full members and patronat clubs.
Sub-clubs have to pay via their main club.
All payments must include the following information:
number of club, purpose of payment, number of sub-club, for which the payments are done, when applicable.
The board
Catalogues have to be sent to Mrs Locati
Catalogues and result lists may not be sent, in no case, by registered mail to the office in Essen.
Please forward them, if possible, electronically to Mrs Nicoletta Locati, president of the show commission.
Otherwise send them by normal mail to Mrs Locati, only in exceptional cases send them to the office in Essen.
But only by normal mail, not as registered mail.
The board
Registration of a cattery name does not entitle to use the WCF-logo
Because of current events we point out that the registration of a cattery name with the WCF does not entitle to use the WCF-logo for advertisement or self-written pedigrees.
The registration of a cattery name without being member of a WCF club serves only for the legal protection of the name.
Pedigrees with the WCF-logo can be issued only by WCF clubs.
The board
Issue of show licences is done by Mrs Sivitskaya
Instead of Julia Rjabokobiļenko the issue of the show licences is done by Svetlana Sivitskaya starting with April 11, 2011.
Please forward all requests for licences for Russia and the Ukraine to the following email address:
We are grateful for the numerous applications.
It was very difficult here to make a decision.
We also thank Julia Rjabokobiļenko for her excellent work.
It is very regrettable that she had to resign from this work for the WCF due to business reasons.
The board
WCF-Logo on pedigrees issued by resigned (sub-)clubs not permitted
We point out to all resigned clubs and their sub-clubs that they are not permitted to issue any pedigrees with the WCF-logo.
The Board
Direct correspondence to the commissions not provided
Please bear in mind that direct correspondence to the commissions is not provided.
Please address all correspondence to the business office of the WCF in Essen.
Please send all correspondence including the name, club, club-number and city.
Your requests cannot be handled otherwise.
Correspondence with sub-clubs and single persons is not provided according to the statutes.
Please contact your main club.
The Board
Acceptance of new clubs
Please address all correspondence concerning the acceptance of new clubs to Mr. Tino Eckhardt, Email:
The Board
Illness of Mrs Wagner
Unfortunately, Mrs Wagner has become ill.
Due to this circumstance, please send all your correspondence for the time being to the office in Essen.
Only the correspondence concerning joint shows, please, send to Mrs Cernova.
The Board
Suspension of Mrs Anna Rudakova
Mrs. Anna Rudakova was found to be responsible for causing severe and permanent damage to the World Cat Federation e.V.
According to the §§ 9 and 29 of the Statutes of WCF e.V. Mrs Rudakova is therefore suspended from her functions as a WCF Judge and excluded from the Extended Board and her functions and position as Second Vice-President.
This decision takes effect immediately. (§ 9 section 3 statutes of WCF e.V.)
The Board
Suspension of Elitar-Klub
According to the §§ 9 and 29 of the Statutes of World Cat Federation e.V. the club OOLZh Elitar-Klub RU-0170 was found to be responsible for bringing the WCF e.V. into disrepute and for this reason it has been suspended until the next General Assembly.
All licenses for OOLZh Elitar-Klub RU-0170 and its subclubs are therefore declared null and void.
The Board
Application deadline for seminars
As the registration of seminars is free of charge, an application deadline of minimum 6 months has to be observed
The Board
Show licences
Because of changes in their job Mrs. Julia Rjabokobilenko and Mr. Yan Lavrentyev are compelled to stop the exhibition licensing.
Who would like to take over this honorary work?
Good knowledge of English is necessary, knowledge in German is welcome.
Please address the applications with information of the qualification immediately to the WCF office in Essen.
The Board
Exhibition of cats of WCF judges
Advice from the judges’ commission because of current events:
A judge is only permitted to exhibit the cats, of which he/she is the owner, out of competition on those exhibitions, where he/she functions as judge.
This applies also to cats living in his household.
Cornelia Hungerecker
chair person of the WCF judges’ commission
Show commission
Mrs Elena Borisovna Fedorenko/Russia was co-opted as member of the show commission to substitute Mr. Imran Okulov.
The Board
Gala diner and exhibition to honour the Best Cat shifted to end of March
Due to the instabile weather conditions in February the exhibition and the gala diner to honour the Best Cat of WCF are shifted to the end of March.
The Board
Mrs. Olga Abramova cannot be invited to WCF exhibitions
According to the rules “Show licenses 1.1.2 Suspended or expelled judges are not permitted to be invited”:
Mrs. Olga Abramova cannot be invited to judge at the WCF shows any more.
The Board
Mrs Olga Abramova suspended as WCF judge
Mrs Olga Abramova has been suspended from her function as WCF judge because of repeated misbehaviour.
abuse of the name of the WCF for private interests, disobedience of the commandment of loyalty to the WCF and its representatives, as well as unacceptable behaviour towards a judge’s colleague.
The Board
Mr Imran Okulov suddenly died

The Board with deepest regret has to announce the unexpected death of the President of the club “POF” – Petersburg Felinology Society, current member of the exhibition committee of WCF, AB judge – Mr. Imran Okulov, on January 17th, 2011.
We lost a respected colleague, a highly qualified expert, a great show manager.
Imran Okulov was a remarkable man who contributed
his life and his immense experience to the development of the felinological movement in the world.
This great animal lover has supported the formation and development of the World Cat Federation with his love for cats, his excellent professional work and outstanding human qualities.
His name will never be forgotten.
A bright heart is missing in our world of love for cats.
With our sincerest condolences to his family and his friends.
The Board and the commissions
Thank you and a good New Year
The board and the team of the WCF is very grateful for the good wishes for the holidays and the new year, which arrived so numerously as never before!
We ask for your understanding that we cannot answer to each single letter due to the large amount.
We wish to all cat lovers in the new year health, success and much pleasure with your animals!
The Board
No official works delegated to Mrs Rudakova
Dear members,
at the moment there are no official works delegated to Mrs Rudakova.
All inquiries about club accounts are not requested by the WCF-board.
Please treat them as private requests From Mrs. Rudakova without any official character.
WCF-Board does not control the financial background of our members.
The Board