The World Show was organized by the clubs/federations Samaris, Cat Info and FFRB in Samara, region 4 (Volga) on 12.-13.06.2009. The exhibition had many inscriptions with 500 cats. Sponsor was ROYAL CANIN.
An international college of judges judged the cats:
Marion Meister, Germany (AB,WCF) Ivaras Plepis, Lithuania (AB,WCF) Sergey Zhigulin, Germany (AB,WCF) Tamara Guljanskaya, Russia (AB,WCF) Irina Guseva, Russia (AB,WCF) Mikhail Arianin, Russia (LH,SH,SOSH,WCF) Vera Avsaragova, Russia (SLH,SH,WCF) Nicole Laport-Menweg, Canada (AB,WCF-guest judge) Julian Rosemary Schuller, Australia (AB,WCF-guest judge) Pam DelaBar, USA (AB, CFA) Yukimasa Hattori, Japan (AB,TICA)
Also the WCF-rings for adults, neuters and kittens were organized. There were several special shows for specific breeds: Kurilian Bobtail Persian Exotic Shorthair British Shorthair Scottish Straight
Report and photos: Mikhail Arianin, president of Samaris