World Show licenses:
All changes of licenses for World shows need a confirmation from the office and the participating members of the board.
This concerns especially changes of the participating judges.
The license can not be changed without the permission of the office and the participating members of the board.
The Board
Jubilee Shows!
We are happy to annouce the official Jubilee Shows for WCF Clubs. Clubs that have a jubilee or hold a show in
a city where a jubilee is celebrated can apply now for the Jubilee-Show license. The license costs 75 Euro per
day and j-number (jubilee show license number) All cats participating in this show and in the competition Best Cat
of WCF will receive double score on these shows. The request for the license must be sent to the office of the
president Mrs. Hackmann latest 6 weeks before the show. An explanation must be given what kind of Jubilee will
be celebrated A Jubilee-Ring can be held on each day of a Jubilee Show. The 1st and 2nd place in the Jubilee-Ring
counts as qualification for the Masterring, like in WCF rings. An official title is not awarded. There is no such as a
juridical right to receive the license. The decision about licensing the show obliges to the president. With issuing of
the license the club receives an official jubilee page for the show catalogue.
All jubilee shows will be published on the website
The president of WCF.
Issuing licenses
Temporarily Mrs. Butomova takes in addition the countries / regions of Mrs. Sivitskaya.
Please send all license applications for these areas to the following email as of now:
Changes or questions on applications, that have been edited before October, 13, by Mrs. Sivitskaya, should
be sent to Mrs. Sivitskaya. For more information, visit this link:
The Board
With regret we have to announce that Mrs. Danisch has retired from the position treasurer of WCF for private reasons with August 31, 2013.
Mrs. Orjet Drößler will fulfil the obligations of the treasurer provisionally from September 1, 2013.
Please address for all questions concerning payments to Mrs Drößler at
The Board
Evaluation of the qualification of non WCC/LOOF judges
Dear members,
please send the documents for the evaluation of the qualification of the invited non WCC/LOOF judges directly to Mr. Tino Eckhardt,
member of the judge’s commission. He is responsible for checking the sent documents.
The judge’s commission
Change of a breed Name
After having received a trademark complaint from the USA we are forced to change the name of the breed Traditional Longhair.
According to the proposal of the judge’s commission the breed will be named Original Longhair.
The judge’s commission and the board
Non-recognition of titles AFB
All titles gained in the show of the club AFB, BE-0105 on April 7, 2013 in Liége are not recognized by the WCF.
The show was not licensed by the WCF.
The Board
Non-recognition of titles BRKV
All titles gained in the double judgement on the world show of the club BRKV, BE-0224 on 11 and 12 November 2012 in St.Truiden are not recognized by the WCF.
There was no request sent for a double judgement.
According to the decision on the GA in April 2012 double judgements cannot be licensed or recognized anymore.
The Board
Informations came to our knowledge that information were sent to several members and private persons regarding the results of the court cases concerning the extraordinary general assembly.
Therefore we would like to inform you that the case has not been officially completed.
The WCF has filed an appeal against the decision of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm.
The elections of the board and extended board on the occasion of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 03/2012 are not cancelled at this moment.
The Board
Please note, that the Russian competition TOP CAT is no WCF competition!
The Board
Best Cat of WCF
Following cat owners are closed on the participation in the Best Cat 2013 because of non-payment of the exhibition charges for the Cat Olimpia in Dortmund:
Mikhail Pozdnyakov, Russia, member Elitar-Klub
Nataliya Sienko, Russia, member FELIX
The Board
Processing of the WCH/WPr certificates
Mrs. Renata Citovic has agreed to register the World Champion/Premier certificates. We wish her a lot of
success in this task.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Citovic directly under:
The Board
Issuing licenses, 3rd License Manager
From 1 June 2013 Mrs. Butomova takes over the following countries / regions from Mrs. Pavlyuchkova.:
Russia, Asian part
Starting from May 30,.2013 please send all license applications for these areas to the following email
Changes or questions on applications, that have been edited before May 30, should be sent to Ms. Pavlyuckova.
For more information, visit this link: WCF Regions
The Board
Supplement to the approval process of judges
The judges permit is valid for three years and may be renewed latest within two months after the expiration date.
Entitling to reissue or extension does not exist, for example, if the application documentation is not sent completely
in original, if payment is not made, when disciplinary proceedings were held against the judge or the period 2 months is exceeded.
This rule is effective immediately and will be implemented as a motion on the agenda of the next General Assembly.
Judges Commission and the Board
Obituary Alan Edwards

We mourn the death of one of our most known international judges in the WCF.
Alan Edwards died at the end of March in South Africa.
He has worked for many years in various committees of the WCF, was a gentleman and a bright shining light of the cat world.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
The Board
Examines in other organizations/clubs
WCF judges may take examine in other organizations or clubs only with permission of the WCF board.
Examines which where taken against this rule will not be recognized by the WCF.A disciplinary case
will be started against the judge, who takes examines against this rule.
This decision of the board of rule character comes into effect on 1st May 2013 and will be added to the
vote in the agenda at the next general assembly.
The Board
Term of application for show-licenses
Applications for show-licenses are not permitted to be forwarded less than 6 weeks prior to the show
after having transferred the license fee to the account of the WCF.
The nonobservance of this period can cause that licenses are not approved on time!
The Board
WCF-Seminar „Breeder of Excellence“
The official WCF Seminars Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 for the certification “Breeder of Excellence” can be claimed
by any WCF clubs. The fee for the each part of the seminar costs € 100 to apply to the office in Essen. The
seminar must be submitted at least 3 months prior to date with details of at least two of the leading judges /
experts. By leading judges receive in advance the topics to be covered in the seminar parts. The drafting of
the seminar part is up to the judges. An allowance for the judges / experts to be agreed by the performing WCF
club separately. Participation fees that the club charges are freely negotiated by the association.
You find further information here : Seminars -> Information
Results Best Cat of WCF 2012
The following breeders / owners reached with their cats the Top 15 adults, Top 15 kitten / juniors,
Top 10 neuters or Top 10 household pets final in the competition Best Cat of WCF 2012.
Else & Steen
Federica & Raffaella
Peter & Ksenia
Darya & Elena
Kolocsa Rita
Kurt & Tomoko
We would like to invite you to the WCF Olimpia in Dortmund to present the prize-winning cats and owners on Saturday April 20, 2013.
You can subscribe at
The Board
Entry of show catalogues and protocols/lists of results
Please send show catalogues and protocols/lists of results to 10 days after the show.
The Board
New titles and show classes
The title awards
CACP (award for the Kitten-Champion) class 16, kitten 3-6 months
CACJ (award for the Junior-Champion) class 15, kitten 6-10 months
CAPP (award for the Kitten-Premior)class 16b, neutered kitten 3-6 months and
CAPJ (award for the Junior-Premior) class 15a, neutered kitten 6-10 months
can be awarded, from 1st of February 2013 if the kitten has received minimum 90 points in the judgement.
They must receive the title in 3 international or national shows of WCF from 3 different judges.
The cats are separated by breed, colour and sex.
Kitten-neuters and junior-neuters participate in the Best in Show for neuters and in the neuter ring.
This decision of the board of rule character comes into effect on 1st February 2013 and will be added to the vote in the agenda at the next general assembly.
The Board
WCF Cat Olimpia
The WCF Olimpia is a fully recognized World Show. The rules published on the WCF website for World Shows are
valid for the Olimpia as well. The differences are: No other show will be licensed in the WCF on the date of the Olimpia.
It takes place only one time per year and the “Olimpia Master” competition takes place on that show as well as the
presentation of the “Best Cat of WCF” . Cats participating in the Olimpia receive triple point-score for the competition
“Best Cat of WCF”.
This decision of the board of rule character comes into effect on 1st February 2013 and will be added to the vote in
the agenda at the next general assembly.
The Board
Best Cat data recording
Dear members!
Mrs. Jennifer Vergin is now responsible for the recording of the data for “Best Cat of WCF”.
If you have questions you can contact Mrs. Vergin at .
For transmission of data pleasecontinue using the online-form.
The Board
National exhibitions
The following rules apply from 01 February 2013 for “National exhibitions”: At least 40 cats must be published in the catalogue.
It must be judging at least 1 allbreed judge. Rings and monobreedshows may not be performed with only one judge present.
This rule is an addition to the rule about national shows, published on the website of WCF : A.11.3 – NATIONAL SHOW:
A licensed show organized by a WCF-club in good standing, where judges only may award the titles CAC and CAP.
This decision of the board of rule character comes into effect on 1st February 2013 and will be added to the vote in the
agenda at the next general assembly.
The Board
Contract about the recognition of rules and Judges Permission as WCF-judge
At the board meeting on 11/03/2012, it was decided to develop an agreement to work as a judge for the WCF. The development
of this agreement was necessitated by a number of problems in the past. In cooperation with the Commission and judges our
lawyers was a “Contract about the recognition of rules and Judges Permission as WCF-judge” now completed and translated.
Condition of obtaining or renewing the judge’s permission is to sign the contract by the judge and the Board of the WCF eV. T
his decision of the board of rule character will be added to the vote in the agenda at the next general assembly.
The Board
Entry of documents to the judge’s commission
On given occasion it is pointed out to the fact that all Student judges certificates, documents of examinations WCF
as well as applications and passport photographs for a judge’s permission must be sent in the original (not by e-mail) to the chairwoman of the judge’s commission.
Cornelia Hungerecker
Chairwoman of the judge’s commission