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Indication of intended purpose

Indicate for all payments the intended purpose and your membership number. This applies with cash payments and money transfers.
In case of payments, which cannot be booked properly, the sender receives one! request to complete the missing data.
If the payment cannot be assigned within 3 months after its receipt, the payment will be booked as donation.

Include the necessary information

To all cash payments a note including the necessary information must be attached.
A copy of this note signed by the payee will be considered as proof of payment.

ReasonAmount of paymentNecessary Information
Entrance fee (protection of the trademark)120,00 €Clubname,
membership number
Annual membership fee WCF clubs200,00 €Clubname,membership number,year
Contribution fee for trainee clubs by arrangementClub number, invoice number
Show license for each day of the exhibition25,00 €membership number,
number of C-numbers
Double judgement for each day of the exhibition 15,00 €membership number,
number of D-numbers
World Show for each day of the exhibition60,00 €membership number,
date of exhibition
Jubilee Show for each day85,00 €membership number,
date of exhibition
Cat Olimpia for each day200,00 €membership number,
date of exhibition
Cattery registration, extension, changes10,00 €membership number,
cattery registration
Cattery registration for non-members of a WCF-club 52,00 €cattery registration
cattery name, breed(s), breeder, address
Judge's examination fee per category105,00 €membership number, name of the judge, category
Judge's permission/renewal20,00 €membership number, name of the judge
Delayed judge's permission renewal until 30 days
after the expiry date of the permission
50,00 €membership number, name of the judge
Delayed judge's permission renewal 31st - 59th day
after expiration date of the permission
100,00 €membership number, name of the judge
Fee for controlling the judge’s qualification20,00 €membership number, name of the judge,
date of exhibition
Certificate for the title World Champion/Premior
incl. presentation in the Internet for one year
15,00 €membership number,
name of the applicant
Presentation of the WCF-Master in the Internet for one year10,00 €membership number,
name of the applicant
Seminar „Breeder of Excellence“, each part
(up to 3 months prior to the seminar)
100.00 €Clubcode, part of seminar, date
Seminar „Breeder of Excellence“, each part
(less than 3 months before the seminar)
130.00 €Clubcode,
part of seminar, date
Other chargeable seminar / webinar
(up to 4 weeks prior to the seminar)
25.00 €Clubcode, type of seminar / webinar, date
Other chargeable seminar / webinar
(less than 4 weeks before the seminar)
35.00 €Clubcode, type of seminar / webinar, date
Genetic seminar / webinar
(up to 4 weeks prior to the seminar)
50.00 €Clubcode, date
Genetic seminar / webinar
(less than 4 weeks before the seminar)
60.00 €Clubcode, date
Updated: 2025-01-01