Exhibition catalogues
The catalogue must be written in one of the official languages of the WCF.
The club is allowed to provide an additional catalogue in the local language or
include additional information in the local language.
This board decision with character of a rule comes into force from January 01st, 2018
and will be brought for a vote to the next General Assembly.
The Board
Obituary Monika Breuer

Suddenly and unexpectedly, our longtime chairwoman of the Judges Commission and
International Allbreed Judge Monika Breuer died at the age of 71 years.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Limit for Joint Shows with non-WCC organizations
Dear members,
the Board decided following addition to the show rules, B.1.3.2:
Each club can only run a Joint Show with non-WCC organizations once a year.
Large projects within Moscow according to the special Moscow rules.
This rule is effective immediately and will be implemented as a motion on the agenda of the next General Assembly.
The Board
Online application for a WCF show license
Dear members,
from now on you can submit your license applications and changes for existing licenses online here:
Online exhibition license – only available in the members area!
After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email containing your sent data.
From now on please avoid sending old (former) request forms directly to the license manager!
Requests for licenses by email will no more be processed after 1.12.17.
The Board
False WCF-pedigrees
The board has recently been alerted to the existence of several false pedigrees, showing the WCF logo. The following Ukrainian clubs that have used the WCF logo are not WCF clubs, among others, but there can be many others:
Zoobest Corporation The Association of Cat Owners “Bricat”
Kiev Felinological Club Kitty
Felinological Centre PFC Pride
Club of Fanciers Cats UA
Felinologikal Association “Mr.&Mrs.Cat”
None of these pedigrees give the club registration code or contact details for the club.
WCF member clubs should be alert and when pedigrees are presented to them for any purpose, always check whether unknown clubs are legitimate WCF members. All member clubs are listed on the website.
Pedigrees should show the WCF logo and WCF registration number of the club. Contact details of the club should also be clearly indicated on the pedigree.
The Board
Obituary Hildegard Hufnagel
We mourn for Mrs. Hildegard Hufnagel, president of the WCF club “Stammbaum e.V”.
She died on August 12th, 2017 in Thailand.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Pearl Jubilee 2018 – 30 years WCF
We want to set a sign!
Next year 30 years ago, three friends, who loved cats very much, founded the WCF.
We want to remind all on the occasion of our Pearl Anniversary in 2018 of the love for our furry friends and the fact,
that cats love is the base for the work in the WCF.
There will be the possibility for member clubs of WCF to hold the unique Pearl-Master Ring with the awarding of the title Pearl Master for the best two cats.
In this ring may participate all cats that are present on the exhibition – regardless of gender, age and breed.
Special emphasis should be placed in the awarding of the “Pearl Master” to the nature of cats.
We love lovely cats and “cuddlyness” and sweetness, so this shall be considered by the judge in addition to the evaluation of the standard.
This way we want to show, that the base in the WCF is not only about competing ideas but especially for the love we feel for our cats and our cats for us!
Cats on Pearl Jubilee Shows get double points for the Best Cat of WCF.
As present the organizing club will receive an official Pearl Jubilee banner of the WCF.
The banner will be sent by DHL.
Please inform the office in time if another delivery is wanted, the additional costs must be taken over by the organizing club.
The Pearl Jubilee Show including the Pearl Master Ring, must be submitted to the Board as a special permission.
Requests for permission can be made now, the license fee each day amounts 125 Euro.
More information is available upon request at the office of the WCF at
The Board
Admission of new student judges
Until further notice, no new student judges will be admitted.
Exceptions, for example for newly added countries, must be submitted to the Executive Board at present.
The Board
Special Show rules for Moscow
All requests for licenses in Moscow and in distance of at least 100 km bee-line to Moscow must be sent for permission ONLY to the chairwoman of the Show commission, currently Mrs. Nuke E-Mail:
(Licenses for exhibitions at a distance of 200 km and more are treated like any other license).
After permission the requests will be forwarded to the license manager for issuing.
Here you can download the rules: Moscow Rules EN
This board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed on the agenda of the next General Assembly for voting.
The Board
WCF Seminars
Because of recent events:
EVERY seminar hold by clubs of WCF has to be reported to the WCF office with the topics of the seminar.
The seminars must be approved by the Board.
Student judge’s and steward’s certificates of unpaid and / or unauthorized seminars are invalid.
The Board
Changes WCF Best Cat
Dear members,
starting in 2017 the WCF Best Cat rating is calculated automatically.
All WCF show results should be entered into the WCF Best Cat rating.
In addition, the point system was changed.
Web-site for participation:
How does it work:
The Board
Obituary Christina Brumpreuksch-Lißy

Through a tragic accident, we lost our judge Christina Brumpreuksch-Lißy.
Our compassion is for her loved ones.
The Board
WCF Best Cat titles
We would like to clarify that titles obtained as a result of the WCF Best Cat competition may be entered into the pedigrees.
The correct acronyms for the titles are:
WW = placed in the TOP 15 (respectively 10) of the ranking
CW = Continental Winner
RW = Regional Winner (applies for countries which are separated in regions)
NW = National Winner
BW = Breed Winner (Best of Breed ranked)
To all titles must be added the year of achievement.
On pedigrees, the correct order of the titles is:
WCF regular title
WCF Master title (highest, if applicable)
WCF Best Cat titles
Name of the cat
The Board
WCF Forum
Dear friends, We are glad to announce the first official WCF Forum. Registration will be opened for Judges, Student judges and all WCF members… for all who works with and for WCF.
We are sure this is the best way to discuss all our questions and to communicate between each other.
With this forum we will be able to manage with WCF in a very good way.
Forum structure and rules are discussable: opened and closed for public groups, pre-voting and voting areas etc.
Registration tip: WCF was founded in 1988.
Yan Lavrentyev, Admin
Obituary Monika Schildan-Maschke

With only 62 years died after a long illness on 3 April 2017 our Allbreed judge Monika Schildan-Maschke.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Former WCF club Amur Neva (RU-0202)
The former WCF Club Amur Neva (RU-0202) will be blocked for all activities until further notice. The club can neither be accepted as subclub nor for a participation in Joint Shows.
Further informations can be obtained by the office.
The Board
Aphrodite’s Giant and Burmese in the color Silver
Dear members,
the General Assembly 2017 has voted against the recognition of the breed Aphrodite‘s Giant and color Silver for the breed Burmese
However, Aphrodite‘s Giant and Silver Burmese cats have been bred in good faith and legal WCF pedigrees have been issued.
The color Silver for the breed Burmese is recognized by the WCC member NZCF and the race Aphrodite’s Giant by the WCC member ACF, so the cats can participate in WCF exhibitions with all rights.
The Board of WCF therefore decides that all WCF pedigrees for Aphrodite‘s Giant and Silver Burmese issued before April 1st 2017 are valid.
Pedigrees from April 1st, 2017 will be issued with the remark RIEX (experimental).
The Board
Obituary Nini Phalempin

On Tuesday, 4 April 2017, we lost our dear friend, respected member of the cat fancy and All Breeds judge. This is the end of an era for the cat fancy.
Nini was the person who introduced me to the European Cat Fancy, after meeting her in London at a cat show, as a young and inexperienced judge. She, together with her friend, Paulo Ruschi was the inspiration and driving force behind the establishment of the WCF in South Africa and the expansion in South America. She supported and guided and most of all invited into her home many judges and committee members of young and experienced clubs from all over the world and introduced members of the cat fancy from many countries and affiliations to each other. She was one of the first judges to officiate in Russia. Nini’s famous phrase was: “I’m making public relations.”
Nini was an Independent All Breeds judge, as well as committee member of the oldest Independent Cat Club in Belgium, while her husband, Claude was the President. She joined the WCF and was a proud member of CASA, the South African Club. She attended the WCF GA meetings over the years, either as delegate of clubs who could not be present, or as observer.
There is not enough space to list all of her achievements, other than to say again that this is a huge loss to the Cat Fancy world wide. It was a privilege to visit her in January 2017, before she became ill and take this last photograph of her. Rest in Peace, Dear Nini – my inspiration and “Belgium mother”.
Johan Lamprecht
President CASA & 2nd Vice President, WCF
Registered cattery names
Because of recent events:
Every cattery name of members of a WCF club and their attached subclubs have to be registered with the WCF.
Breeders, who have provably registered their cattery name in another organization, are permitted to keep their name. Should the cattery name be elsewhere already taken, the country code must be added behind the name.
Only for WCF registered catteries WCF pedigrees can be issued.
With this publication every club has been given the possibility to register their non-recorded cattery names until 31 May 2017.
Every (further) contravention will be punished.
The Board
Parking at the Ruhrturm
You can reach the Ruhrturm (Huttropstr. 60, 45138 Essen) very easy by car, by train or public transport.
Parking: in the Ruhrturm is a parking deck, it costs 12€ per day, parking deck of the Elisabeth-Krankenhaus (Klara-Kopp-Weg). Further you can park in the environment (for example Ruhrallee or Moltkestraße).
Information for using public transportation you find under: Deutsche Bahn: Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR):