Dear presidents of the WCF clubs, dear members of the commissions, dear judges and student judges!
We wish you a quiet Christmas time, in which you can leave everyday stress behind.
For the coming year good luck, health and success!
The Board
Changes for WCF judges and student judges
It was acknowledged that the WCF is almost the only WCC organization that allows double listings of judges. A board decision was made and is valid until the General Assembly that forbids WCF judges to be listed on the judges lists of other organizations. This includes WCC organizations. The only exception is the LOOF because of the agreements made in the contract.
Please find here the exact wording of the board decision:
1. WCF e.V. doesn`t accept applications anymore from judges who are already in the judges list of other organizations, including WCC members.
2. Judges should decide on which organizations judges list they want to be listed – WCF judges list or another organization.
If they will choose another organization, it is possible to keep the judges in the guest judges list, if the relevant judge is in the list of a non WCC organization.
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Cover letter regarding GV 2019
Dear members,
in the protected member area an important letter is available in German.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Judge Exams
Due to the absence of information from Mrs. Melnikova about issued permissions for examinations, all permissions for examinations after June 30th, 2019, issued by Mrs Melnikova, are not valid.
Examinations, taken by these permissions are not valid.
For new permissions please contact Mr. Trautmann:
The Board
Obituary Andreas Möbius

Our former Secretary General, WCF judge and club president SteV e.V. Andreas Möbius left us much too early.
Only now we got knowledge of it, that he died already in June.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
The Board
Dear members,
the German protocol of the GA 2019 is available in the protected member area.
In addition, the new show rules are also available for download.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
I would like to thank you very much for the congratulations on my birthday!
I’m glad that so many people around the world have thought of it.
Anneliese Hackmann
Judging at exhibitions of Non-WCC organizations
We would like to ask our judges not to support or judge on exhibitions of the clubs “International Cat Expo ICE” and “Feline Fanciers Federation FFF” (currently Asian organizations).
Please refrain from invititations of these organizations.
This concern was discussed in the WCC meeting and there are reasons for it, so all members of the WCC agreed on this.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Rules amendments / additions
Dear members,
the Board has decided on rules and amendments / additions to existing rules:
Special Show rules for Moscow
All requests for licenses in Moscow and in distance of at least 100 km bee-line to Moscow must be sent for permission ONLY to the chairwoman of the Show commission, currently Mrs. Nuke E-Mail:
(Licenses for exhibitions at a distance of 200 km and more are treated like any other license).
After permission the requests will be forwarded to the license manager for issuing.
Here you can download the rules: Moscow Rules EN
Limit for Joint Shows with non-WCC organizations
Addition to the show rules, B.1.3.2:
Each club can only run a Joint Show with non-WCC organizations once a year.
Large projects within Moscow according to the special Moscow rules.
Exhibition catalogues
The catalogue must be written in one of the official languages of the WCF.
The club is allowed to provide an additional catalogue in the local language or include additional information in the local language.
Short exams for external judges
Existing rule:
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
The language may not be the mother tongue or the language of the country the candidate is living in.
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
Show rules, Show classes WCF
Article D.7 – class 20: Litter class, 3 – 6 months
A litter consists of at least 3 kittens
These Board decisions with character of a rule come into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Retired WCF club
Following club (including trainee club) is no more a WCF member:
UA-0133, ILCF (17.06.2019)
WCF pedigrees and all further documents with WCF logo, issued after the date mentioned at the club,
constitute a violation of the trademark protection and must be immediately sent to the WCF office.
The Board
Agenda GA 2019
Dear presidents! Dear board members! Dear members of the commissions!
The agenda for our General Assembly 2019 is now available for you in the member area.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
General Assembly 2019, forms
Dear members,
all necessary forms are now available in our password-protected members area:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Obituary Mrs. Victoria Kacina
On 21 March 2019, Victoria Kacina, longtime secretary of our WCF club LKMA MOONCAT / Latvia, passed away.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Standard- and Judges Commission
Dear members,
From now on, Mrs. Rudakova is delegated by the Board.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Processing of World Shows
Dear members,
from now on Mrs. Meister overtakes the processing of World Shows.
Please send your requests and other concerns to:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Date General Assembly 2019
Dear members,
unfortunately there was an error in our last newsletter:
Our General Meeting will not be held from June 22 to June 24, 2019, but one week later.
The correct date is Friday, June 28, until Sunday, June 30, 2019 here in Essen.
The registration of the members takes place on the morning of the 28th of June, after completion of the registration the GA will begin.
Further details will be announced in the official invitation.
We apologize for that, but since we had to change the date due to the WCC meeting, something was wrongly documented here.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.